Trump JUST NOW Ends Media Blacklist

Is there anything more intimidating to the foundation of the United States than a threat to our liberty of speech, expression, and press? These liberties are the core of what separated this country from the likes of monarchs around the world. Without the ability to criticize the powers that rule we are no more than rats in a cage being fed whatever they decide is right.

With all this being said, can someone explain how a presidential candidate can blacklist media sources? Of all the cowardly things Trump has done, from building a wall in fear of competition to refusing to debate based on who is moderating, nothing is more cowardly than controlling who can report on you. He is afraid of what might be said about him, because he knows there are terrible things to be said. Trump is acting like a childish tyrant, and it is time the American voters really grasp how unbelievable the idea of a media blacklist is for a presidential candidate.

We are merely weeks away from election day, and now, after slipping in the polls, he is willing to take as much media coverage as he can get. He just now ends his media blacklist. The American people have a responsibility to stand up against this kind of activity by our legislators and officials. We can't allow them to run all over us by censoring our media coverage or running without term limits. There are standards we need to set, and until we make our voice heard people like Trump and Clinton will continue to stomp all over the dignity of the American people.

On the other hand, Gary Johnson isn't looking to limit the media and control his message. He knows the things he is saying are honest and are in the best interest of the American people. Governor Johnson goes as far as participating in an "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit (found here), allowing users to ask questions and be answered honestly. Gary Johnson isn't in the business of tricking or deceiving voters to get in power. He is here to represent you, and me, and make this a country we can be proud of once again.

Trump JUST NOW Ends Media Blacklist Trump JUST NOW Ends Media Blacklist Reviewed by Unknown on 10:26 AM Rating: 5

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