How You Can Make a Difference

How You Can Make a Difference

Ask anyone about the current state of the nation and they'll have a problem. Ask the same people if they vote, and less than half will say yes. These are statements based on statistics that speak numbers about the way our nation has operated in recent decades. We all have complaints and the list is never ending, but no one is taking action. The biggest "movement" we have seen is a socialist movement by a presidential hopeful that's being left in the dust of the big rigged machine. You can make a difference, and it is easy. You have to start somewhere.

1. Talk

Speak with your friends about what's happening and the solutions that are out there. Start making politics a priority within your social groups. Spread the message of Libertarian philosophy and help put an end to the assumption that the only option is the lesser of two evils.

2. Learn

You have a duty, as a citizen of this nation, to be well-rounded and educated on the happenings of the people who dictate your lifestyle. Pick up a book, subscribe to a blog (this blog is a great start), check the news, whatever it takes to make sure you have a grip on the world around you.

3. Change

There are certain things you do and say that help sustain the current state of the nation. It can come down to as little as your attitude, and the negativity you spread with the consistent complaining with no end. Change who you support, what you buy, how you speak, and make an influence.

4. Vote

Yeah, this is where we need to start. If you're tired of the way things are then you need to make a vote. Show some sort of support for someone even if the system is fixed to support those who support it. We have to start somewhere, and casting your vote is a great place to make a simple start.

Those are 4 of the simplest, easiest, most convenient ways to make a little change in your everyday life. No one is asking you to make any drastic protests or declarations. Just take the time to be educated, talk with your friends, change your behavior for the better, and vote for those who deserve it. With that in mind, check out these places in which you can make all 4 happen!

How You Can Make a Difference How You Can Make a Difference Reviewed by Unknown on 4:31 PM Rating: 5

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