Hillary Clinton: A Nightmare for Government Transparency
Hillary Clinton: A Nightmare for Government Transparency
If you haven't seen the video of Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight or paid any attention to the email scandal then some of this may be a bit of a wake-up call. The United States has been the target of much speculation regarding government transparency. Kick-started by the attacks in New York on September 11, 2001, the open and honest communication between the United States government and its citizens has been questioned by officials and American citizens. The people of the US are begging for answers, but aren't receiving any. Issues such as money's influence on politics, involvement in the Middle East, and NSA spying are at the heart of our worries. Secretary Clinton has proven time and time again that honesty isn't what she does best. Let's take a look at what further government lies means for our nation's future.
Clinton's Lies About Her Stance With Wall Street
While Hillary claims to buckle down on the big business of Wall Street, she hasn't lived up to her promises or so-called beliefs. Hillary and her family have received money from big money interests, been paid by companies to make speeches, and collectively made $109 million with her husband paid largely by the big corporations she promises to fight (Investopedia). Hillary isn't trying to fight corporations, she's just playing the part to win over young Democratic voters who have shown distrust in American corporations (Time). She's playing politician to win votes, but she has no interest in serving the people of the United States. She gains nothing out of exposing the influence of big money on political influence, and she won't expose the crooked doings of our politicians.Hillary Hides From Answering Questions About NSA Spying
NSA spying has been a hot topic for the United States, especially for Millennials. Internet privacy and civil liberties have been sacrificed by the Patriot Act. Americans aren't blind to what's happening, either. We know that our rights and freedoms are being stripped away, but there has yet to be a clear inclination as to why. This confusion has bred a distrust between citizens and the United States government. Where does Hillary Clinton stand on this? Well, we frankly have no real idea. She avoids the questions, beats around the bush, and uses keywords to make it seem like she knows what she's saying. There's no effort to rebuild the relationship the people so badly need. No one can tell what she will do with the powers that lie in the hands of the United States Presidency.
The Troubles She Already Has With the Middle East
Clinton already has a mountain to climb involving her involvement in Middle Eastern affairs. She claims to be critical of the war in Iraq, but only did so after Obama received support for doing so (Politifact). Her scandal and lies involving the attacks in Benghazi are only the beginning of what dictate her stance in our foreign affairs. Clinton has received donations from Saudi Arabia, a nation that has recently been tied to the attacks on September 11 (Politifact). Saudi Arabia is a strong ally to the United States, but has been exposed for its human rights policies, involvement in 9/11, and threats to drive down the value of the US Dollar. Her involvement in the Middle East tell us she has a conflict of interest in working to improve the situation. Clinton is only going to serve as another puppeteer in the affairs of the volatile region. The people of the United States can't afford another administration that keeps us elbow deep in the Middle East's conflicts.
Kiss Trust Goodbye
If Hillary manages to secure the presidency of the United States, you can kiss trust in the government goodbye. We already have much work to do, and she isn't close to the solution. While I can't even begin to dive deeply into all the ways she will ruin our transparency issue, I can offer a solution. Don't support the big government players who are seeking keep up this facade. Find trust and transparency in Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson. Support the candidate who encourages free market transparency, halting the NSA's unconstitutional actions, and utilizing the US military for its intended purpose: safety and protection of liberties. Don't let the trust continue to dwindle for another four years, help us put an end to the lies and deceit.
Hillary Clinton: A Nightmare for Government Transparency
Reviewed by Unknown
9:11 PM
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