What Do Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders Have in Common?
Ted Cruz, a Canadian senator for the state of Texas, recently announced that he was suspending his campaign and bowing out of the pigsty that is the 2016 United States Presidential Election. For some this was a devastating blow. The competition for Mr. Trump just disappeared, and now it is up to other parties to keep America's hopes alive. Unfortunately, the biggest threat to Trump as of today is Hillary Clinton. Need I say more? Her competition, Mr. Bernie Sanders, isn't putting up the kind of fight that is needed to dethrone the Clinton regime. The United States will become a laughing stock if Clinton or Trump become the face of our nation. Their respective competition, Cruz and Senator Bernie Sanders, have opened up a window, however. With Cruz dropping out and Sanders staying behind, a beam of hopeful light has peaked through the mess. So what do these two have in common that has cleared the way for a common goal?
Cruz and Sanders Want Clinton and Trump Out
Well this seems rather obvious. That's true, this is one of the most obvious and almost useless statements one can make. Think about it though. Both of these candidates have developed a somewhat strong following. They, at least at some point, drove a little fear into the front runners. Sanders isn't letting Clinton just walk away with the nomination, and Cruz found a couple hot streaks that show he had garnered support. Sanders is still in the race technically, but it would take a miracle to pit him against Trump and have him represent the Democratic party. Ted Cruz most likely received so much support because of the fact that he isn't Donald Trump. These two men have a common goal in the efforts they have put into this election. The common goal is to attempt to knock these two down a notch before it gets out of control. They're targeting the wrong people though, and I believe this is where their common goal can make improvements and progress.
What's a Senator to do?
Ted Cruz spent his campaign attempting to sway GOP dedicated voters away from supporting the very strong front runner. Bernie Sanders attempted to use logic and reasoning to set back a Clinton walk-in presidency. The Clinton and Trump majorities are not voting on the basis of logic or policy. These voters are coming out in flocks because of emotion, party dedications, and mob mentality. While we think these voters are the majority of the United States, only 54.9% of voters cast a vote in 2012. Give that a second to sit in your mind. There's almost 45% of the voting population that isn't even voting. If that 45% came together and supported someone who represented the people it would be a done deal. So what can we ask these two senators to do to help us accomplish this goal?
Ted Cruz
Mr. Cruz, we ask you for one thing. Gather as much support as you can, huddle the masses, and point them in the direction of someone who will push forward the economic progress you were fighting for. Let your delegates and supporters know that Trump is not the only option for fiscally conservative voters. The Libertarian Party seeks to deregulate the government's restrictions that limit the growth of our people's wallets. Senator Cruz, you have the ability to help us take down the Trump circus. His inability to understand the basics of a global economy have left people down and out about what his presidency would mean for the American family. We can't allow this fool to blow up what is already a sinking ship
Bernie Sanders
Mr. Sanders, we ask you to bring in your supporters who seek social progress. We, the Libertarian Party, understand that the government is too involved in policing and abusing its powers. Our candidates are dying to take away this oppressive system and allow freedom of social mobility among all classes, education, religions, and races. Your supporters can help us put an end to the racism and bigotry that plagues the Trump and Clinton campaigns. Yes, we differ in terms of economic policy. We believe in the principle of a free market, but the fact of the matter is civil liberties are extremely vital to the health of our nation today. We need your support to push for the equal treatment of all people.
Help Us
Senators Cruz and Sanders, we share a goal with you. We all want this to come to a happy end. The Clinton campaign and the Trump campaign are a stain on the American image. Use your platform to bring a campaign of reason and progress to the spotlight. We have worked diligently for every bit of progress we can find, but we will take any help we can get. The Libertarian Party is the outlet for all who want out of this mess we're in.
What Do Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders Have in Common?
Reviewed by Unknown
9:24 AM
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