5 Reasons to Support Gary Johnson's Immigration Plan
Really I should end this post with a link to OnTheIssues.org that describes the man's policies (also found here), but that would be unfair of me. Gary Johnson, for those who don't know, is the Libertarian Party's presidential candidate, and the alternative to Hillary and Trump. Much is still left to be seen about the man, but recent boosts in funding and popularity have brought him closer to his 15% goal to make it to the debates. But what is Gary Johnson's immigration plan and what does it mean for the United States?
The Johnson Immigration Plan
"Governors Johnson and Weld believe that, instead of appealing to emotions and demonizing immigrants, we should focus on creating a more efficient system of providing work visas, conducting background checks, and incentivizing non-citizens to pay their taxes, obtain proof of employment, and otherwise assimilate with our diverse society. (johnsonweld.com/immigration)" The Johnson immigration plan welcomes the best minds and people the world has to offer, and wants to use the nation's opportunities to improve the world around us. According to Trump, his plan will cause mass crime waves and an influx of rapists. Evidence suggests otherwise, and here are 5 ways evidence points us in the direction of the Johnson/Weld ticket.1. "Undocumented Immigrant Border Crossing at 12-Year-Low"
Gary Johnson threw out this fact on August 29th, 2016, and Politifact backs up his words. The truth is that undocumented immigration woes are a crutch used by Fox News to catch viewers who want to be afraid of the world. In reality, the country benefits from immigration and by making immigration easier we are already spending less of our resources trying to shut down the border. We are already heading in the right direction, and we can only go up from here with the right leadership.
2. Immigration Leads to Improved Job Outlook
They didn't take your job, but they did take a job that you weren't willing to do and could be taken away from you by someone who is brand new to the country, language, and culture. Beyond that little fact that people don't like to hear, immigration provides more opportunity for higher level positions to open. As entry level positions are taken, we are encouraged to improve our workforce to adapt to the way it changes. What we end up with is a more highly educated society working for higher wages. So before we try to fight for the "jobs" that are taken away, let's remember how the jobs will change to benefit society.
3. Improved Relations With Mexico Benefit American Companies
Guess who loves to make their products in Mexico? US, that's who. Mexico is expected to take on over 25% of auto manufacturing by 2020, according to the image to the right. When we transgress communications and relations with Mexico, we are hurting all those brands and companies that partner with the country to make the things we all love. The Trump idea of enforcing tariffs to pay for the wall only hurts companies like Ford, GM, and thousands of others that you buy from each and every day. If you want to improve the economy of the United States and get back on track, we have to keep up the partnership with Mexico that has helped us become one of the world's economic powerhouses.
4. A Wall Costs Billions, Militarization Costs Billions, Johnson Does Not
The wall that is proposed by Trump will cost about $17 billion (source), and militarizing the border will cost an unpredictable amount over years and years to come. Gary Johnson's idea of improving the system in which immigrants become citizens doesn't cost any more than the salaries being paid to all the new workers who help make the system run. In fact, the amount of money brought back into the revenue system through all the income tax collected from immigrant workers will be an investment in balancing the budget and keeping it there. So, seriously, can we not agree that a cut in taxes and increase in tax revenue is an anomaly we need to take advantage of?
5. Let's Be Honest, Mexico Is Lovely and We Can All Take a Step Forward
Mexico is a nation of lovely culture, values, art, and progress. We're neighbors, we give and take, we have disagreements, but in the end we need to make this a mutually beneficial partner for the future of the nation. Opening up to cooperation is only going to move both our nations in a positive direction, and that concept has been obvious from the beginning of globalization. Let's open up to this nation, improve our relations, grow, and live a better life on both sides of the border. There are almost no real reasons not to strive for this kind of progress, but Trump and Clinton aren't willing to lay down pride and get there. Gary Johnson most certainly is.
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5 Reasons to Support Gary Johnson's Immigration Plan
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1:48 PM
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